Comprehensive HR Services –
tailored specifically to meet your business needs.

Employment Contracts

Ladybridge HR Consultancy can provide accurate employment contracts for your employees to ensure they contain the correct employment status. Having the correct Employment Contracts in place can ensure your staff rights are protected. It can also save guard your business against potential legal discrepancies and action.

We offer Contract of Employment advice & support to ensure your business gets it right and is accurately represented.

We are also trained in IR35 – to ensure a business has the correct worker status.

Disciplinary Hearings

Anyone who is unfairly dismissed or discriminated against at work is entitled to claim compensation. The aim of a disciplinary procedure is to achieve a fair, effective and consistent method of dealing with disciplinary and performance matters.

Ladybridge HR can guide and accompany you through any disciplinary process or carry this out on your behalf, ensuring the correct process is followed.

We will present the findings and recommend the optimum outcomes to allow you to make the final decision and conclusions.

Business Restructure and Redundancy Procedures

At some point within your business, you may be required to reduce your workforce. This could happen via the sale of part of your business, or a company restructure.

At Ladybridge HR we advocate best practice and recommend your business has a redundancy policy in place outlining the various steps that will be undertaken in the event of potential redundancies. The redundancy policy will aid communication for all parties and will help employees understand the process and what to expect during a difficult time.

We can guide you through a seamless process and help to answer the questions to ensure the redundancy procedures is executed in a professional and supportive way for all your employees.

Having clear guidance and procedural help ensures things are dealt with in an expedient and cost-effective manner.

Employee Handbooks and Company Policy Manuals

At Ladybridge HR we work with our clients to ensure they have thoroughly comprehensive and compliant employee handbooks and company policy manuals that demonstrates the company has exercised “reasonable care” towards its employees. We will ensure you will be able to accurately communicate your organisation’s policies in relation to employment, conduct and behaviour, compensation, and other policies and procedures.

It will also re-iterate that the company policies and procedures were in place at the time of any potential claim.

By providing clear, accessible information, the employee handbook ensures that everyone knows exactly what’s required of them and allows employers to present their expectations in a comprehensible and consistent manner.


At Ladybridge HR we will hear any grievance hearing on behalf of your business.

Our bespoke HR service will present the findings and suggestions to you, in writing for discussion. We will continue to arrange for any appeal to be heard and identify the circumstances of the appeal to avoid and prevent such a grievance re-occurring and preventing any likely claim in the future.

Assistance with TUPE

TUPE refers to the “Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006” as amended by the “Collective Redundancies and Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) (Amendment) Regulations 2014”

We can assist and carry out the whole process for our clients ensuring the correct procedures are followed as TUPE can often be a commercial hazard that can be extremely costly to get wrong.

Internal Investigations

We all know that problems can arise in any business and know that overall, there is a solution to every problem. The key message when dealing with problems is to make sure any issues are dealt with fairly and consistently, which may often result in the need to carry out an investigation, preferably not by the original identifier.

At Ladybridge HR we can advise and conduct an investigation on behalf of our clients allowing you as an Employer to fully consider the allegations and to make informed decisions and choices.

We also ensure all the documentation is appropriately retained and stored in relation to the investigation in accordance with your company GDPR policy.

Performance Management

We can provide a solid guide on Performance Management which also incorporates the documentation you can utilise to record progress of the individual.

We also include information on Performance and Conduct Improvement and Personal Support Plans – for new employees to the business or any employee that has been away from the business and their job role for an extended period of time due to long term sickness or maternity/shared parental leave.

Absence Management

Managing absence due to sickness requires effective absence management policies.

At Ladybridge HR, we can provide on-site training on absence management or alternatively provide a guide which will show the different types of absence, the causes, advice on monitoring and managing absence, and sickness.

We also provide guidance on managing long-term illness, the capability process, fit notes and return to work meetings and actions to support, if required.

The Importance of Effective Performance Management

Should dismissal become the only option for someone underperforming, we will ensure the correct procedures and processes are adhered to.